BTL Vanquish Me

Reductive Equipment

BTL VANQUISH ME is a non-invasive, second-generation technological and non-contact treatment for the rupture of adipocytes. The applicator of localized radio frequency waves allows to cover a large area with a single application.

It is the second generation of non-contact technology for non-invasive disruption of fat cells. With the largest treatment area in the industry, it treats flank-to-flank in a single session, all with unmatched patient comfort and safety.

Before After

BTL Vanquish Benefits

Non-invasive without surgery or injections, selective with fat, without contact, with an immediate recovery, return to your daily activities, without pain, without effort, is responsible for significantly reducing accumulated fat in abdomen and thighs.

The most complete aesthetic medicine clinic in Cancun, one of the main tourist destinations in the world, located in the heart of the hotel zone.

We have high technology and highly trained personnel committed to maintaining high quality standards, always within a framework of professional integrity and human warmth to improve the quality of life of our patients.

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